No one can hear anymore. It is as if as soon as incoming sound is turned cut off the catalogs of vapidity and the profound unlock like a heinous game of 52 pick up in your head. Silence has become static, our own creations forge our realities as fantasy drifts in and out of our conscious line of view and conviction. Truth was thrown out the window years ago and all that’s left are creations and forgeries it seems, half hearted attempts to get the mind buzzing while they stand proudly cutting the yellow tape meant to connect the mind and the heart. Buzzing is more than a honey producing allergy trigger pin, it is the dull whir our the gears in our heads wearing out. The teeth are gone it seems, all that remains are circles spinning round and round with a haunting hum hurting your head. Alliteration aside, we live in a culture where we embrace amusement without even realizing that the very meaning of the word means: to come against thinking.
With the gears grinding and chipping away at each other and hearts that are being cultivated for insecurity and obscurity we long to be fascinated, and we long to be moved. Born with two eyes we yearn to see. Sculpted with ears we crave to hear. Knit together with hands we are compelled to create. Birthed with mouths we pine to resonate. Six billion plus people with destiny and existence screaming in there souls and there is nothing but cancer and static meeting them.
The delicacy of this era has become produce and meat. The earth feeds from the knowledge of good and evil and feasts upon humanity. We all have been forged to experience what none can describe and that is God. Made in his image, creativity lurks in the crawlspaces of our being and we like a deer in headlights stare blankly and let it run us over. There are colors to be seen, symphonies to here, visions to behold, and a God to behold jaw on the ground in utter terror, joy, bliss, and trembling. We are made to allow him to move through us expressing his very being. He is the Father of lights and we behold only an infinitesimal part of the radiant spectrum. This is his pleasure, making himself known while drawing his creation into sheer astonishment of his unspeakable beauty.
With the majority disconnected from the hope of his calling, emptiness eats away at humanity like leprosy. Perversion spreads like wildfire because there is no knowledge of God, wisdom is lacking, and vision has been dragged into an alley mugged, beaten and left for dead. God beckons forth humanity to enter into communion. The heavens are invading the earth as the epic known as this age is drawing to a close. God will manifest himself through his people and beckons his beloved bride, children, and siblings to join with him. Symphonies of heaven and of the Lamb wait in anticipation to be released. God burns with longing to reveal visions of his glorious and transcendent radiance. He who makes all things to, through, and for himself is calling his bride to manifest and express his very awe instilling nature.
This is worship, beholding and becoming who the triune community of love is. As light is reflected through a prism so is the light of God is reflected through his children. The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it and his glory will cover the earth like the waters cover the sea. He is not a vacuum, nor a formula, he is. If the only word angels can find in using to describe him is holy, you can bet that is how he will manifest himself when all things are brought to an end.
All beauty and creation stems from him, he is the perfection of beauty and in him are hidden all of the treasure of wisdom and knowledge, and he is the Word of Life. Behold him as the masses bow down to a soup can.
With the gears grinding and chipping away at each other and hearts that are being cultivated for insecurity and obscurity we long to be fascinated, and we long to be moved. Born with two eyes we yearn to see. Sculpted with ears we crave to hear. Knit together with hands we are compelled to create. Birthed with mouths we pine to resonate. Six billion plus people with destiny and existence screaming in there souls and there is nothing but cancer and static meeting them.
The delicacy of this era has become produce and meat. The earth feeds from the knowledge of good and evil and feasts upon humanity. We all have been forged to experience what none can describe and that is God. Made in his image, creativity lurks in the crawlspaces of our being and we like a deer in headlights stare blankly and let it run us over. There are colors to be seen, symphonies to here, visions to behold, and a God to behold jaw on the ground in utter terror, joy, bliss, and trembling. We are made to allow him to move through us expressing his very being. He is the Father of lights and we behold only an infinitesimal part of the radiant spectrum. This is his pleasure, making himself known while drawing his creation into sheer astonishment of his unspeakable beauty.
With the majority disconnected from the hope of his calling, emptiness eats away at humanity like leprosy. Perversion spreads like wildfire because there is no knowledge of God, wisdom is lacking, and vision has been dragged into an alley mugged, beaten and left for dead. God beckons forth humanity to enter into communion. The heavens are invading the earth as the epic known as this age is drawing to a close. God will manifest himself through his people and beckons his beloved bride, children, and siblings to join with him. Symphonies of heaven and of the Lamb wait in anticipation to be released. God burns with longing to reveal visions of his glorious and transcendent radiance. He who makes all things to, through, and for himself is calling his bride to manifest and express his very awe instilling nature.
This is worship, beholding and becoming who the triune community of love is. As light is reflected through a prism so is the light of God is reflected through his children. The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it and his glory will cover the earth like the waters cover the sea. He is not a vacuum, nor a formula, he is. If the only word angels can find in using to describe him is holy, you can bet that is how he will manifest himself when all things are brought to an end.
All beauty and creation stems from him, he is the perfection of beauty and in him are hidden all of the treasure of wisdom and knowledge, and he is the Word of Life. Behold him as the masses bow down to a soup can.
Much dreaming and many words are meaningless, therefore, stand in awe of God.
– Ecclesiastes 5:7
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