Wednesday, June 20, 2007


The secand glance
Penetrates the haze of gunsmoke
Objects of masquerade
The tiers of obsession
Compete for ordination

Fallen lips
Cheeks smeared with eyeliner
Hushed moments
Embody the nightly pillage

Business cards voice numbers
Revelation pulls supremacy
Martha become CEO
Mary forever held in stocks
Where she sits and smiles

The Shanty Towns of the beloved
Held at arms length
Redaing pamphlets for apostacy
Wounds never beneficial
The towers begin to shake with dry bones

Architecture rearranges into shambles
Dust gives birth to life
Like Adam's first kiss of breath

Showmanship has eaten the passion
Fighting to justify reception of love
Running around each with a baton
Moving to depletion with storm on horizon

Responsibilty whats that
Not quite yet
It has for too long been assumed
For too long feared

Eclectic images dance in the moonlight
To the sound of horns being blown
Amidst the convoys of radio waves

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