Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Favorite Place

It had been a long time since I had ventured into possibly one of my favorite places in this fair city. Amongst the sprawling landmarks, esquisite landscapes, the lakes, the parks, and even the open plains I found myself on my back porch. Honestly it is a sheer place of contentment in a metal chair with feet on a fairly damp railing. The entire porch got set ablaze with the aromas of my coconut, lemongrass, and ginger tea with just a hint of lighter fluid from the grill. Sadly due to the rapid urbanization of the area most of what could be heard are cars on the freeway or a truck delivering hallowed goods to the compellingly cordial Kohls in the distance. Yet amidst the exhaust releases coyotes still howl and crickets still chirp in perfect harmony, granted they don't have much variation but they harmonize oh so eloquently. However, the main reason I love my back porch, primarily in the summer, is because of all the lightning bugs. A hundred or so feet from my porch is a little gorge with a creek and on the other side is a canvas of trees that tower above the grass of my back yard. Hundreds of fireflies flicker and dance all night long and illuminate the covering darkness with great finesse. I mean, in this day and age one sees all sorts of lights everywhere in various colors and intensities. With the exception of the sun, moon, and stars most of these are fueled by the combustion of power plants and the splitting of atoms. Be it oil, kites, or any other source of forging mass ammounts of electricity what was spoken into existence on the first day has become utterly taken for granted. Mind you we shouldn't leave food out for a sun god or anything but since the light bulb amusement often seems to leave (for most) after childhood.
Sorry for the tangent, but I miss the days when I was just a wee munchkin frollicking in a field chasing those little bugs. Granted I totally will most likely do that after this post, but seriously, these things are amazing. Amidst the stars, urchins, and I'm sure at one time unicorns God crafted fireflies for His very own enjoyment. It is interesting to think that even up in heaven the God of Revelation 4 looks down at those little flickering insects with a large grin on His dazzling face. As they dance and I am sure tell jokes in morse code their is an infinite God who takes sheer delight in the workmanship of His creation, from the blinking to the buzzing. In Him all things consist and everything that has been made was made by Him, for Him, and to Him. He truly is good in everything He does. Yet lightning bugs are incapable of love. They were not made in His image and He did not die for them. In all of His delighting in them God did not make them for communion, but He made us. Not only do we (believers) live in Christ but, he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit. (1 Cor 6:17). How much more is our destiny and lives certain that Christ Jesus, the uncreated God of everything, is not just in us smimming amongst the kidneys and spleen, but is part of us and we are in fact part of Him. We are an extention of Christ cojoined and treasured beyond comprehension - comprehension at this point should even be a word thrown out. Recently, ergo the past two days have been shaky, I honestly don't know what happened but it has been like mistaking a train for a baseball, something analogies fail me right now. But He is good, I am at a loss for language but our destiny and inheritance are sure. Halelujah. My Jesus, yes, He is God.

A couple of side thoughts, a (PS) if you will.)
I love my nightwatch family especially my PR team and Chauncey who I kind of went off on and he was so patient with me, a darn fine guy. Also, though I have had it for a year I have totally fallen in love with the album Floating World by Anathallo. God bless I'm off to the porch again and most likely to bed.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments about night watch. I'm trying to locate any CD, etc, that Alisha Powell is part of. Esp "Bless the Lord, oh my soul." Thanks for your help.
Connie Prince
Tuscaloosa, AL

Anonymous said...

dude... God is so interesting. You have the cosmos... it's interestingly (Almost infinitely) huge. Then you have stuff like Quantum Mechanics, which are interestingly (if not infinitely) small. God is the God of both, and both came into existence when he said "Let there be..." Although I'm pretty sure on day 6 he said "Let there bee..."