Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Yes, Jesus Loves Me

So on Friday night I had the great honor of losing my 2nd wallet in a month thanks to it falling out of my van due to the paper route. Though there was not much money in it I still lost my liscense and some dignity shoot, I mean thats like two friggin wallets. So tonight, liscencseless I had to go to my buddy Matt Johnson's house in order to drop off a paper needed for the route we share. So I totally space oun and gun thru the stop sign at Grandview and Truman. All of a sudden sirens blare and lights flash. I got pulled over. I freak and well start praying like a madman. There were three infractions I had going for them and one is fairly monumental. After about ten minutes of very flustering and tense conversation I get let off. Jesus loves me. His mercy endures forever and He is good. Yay, Jesus.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, jonathan. that's really something. bless the Lord...

Anonymous said...

dude... that really sucks. It always seems like people never get pulled over unless they forget/lose their liscence somewhere. It like "DANGIT! The one time I need it, and it pulls a disappearing act!" Did the cop let you off through the grace of God, or do you have a not-so-handy little piece of paper?