Saturday, August 18, 2007

Exhileration filled every nerve in my body. With a simple syllable everything in the room began to slow down and an existential bliss carried me away. One of the most hallowed four lettered words was uttered and I was indeed left speechless. Nothing in me could deny the excitement, somebody tonight had mentioned "Pogs." They were unleashed and my opponent and I were lost in the glory that became the small disks that belong to Kevin Samuel. The game commenced and times of past fame and joy spin beyond my eyes. Before I knew it I had lost. It was close but the defeat still was bitter. Tonight Tiffany Upton beat me in pogs.


Anonymous said...

o O o.... indeed I did defeat you, but I have no doubt that you are a worthy foe- hence the continuation of our game as soon as we find more POGS!!! -someone say: tHrIft sToReS!!


Anonymous said...

I MISS THAT GAME! i literally had thousands of POGs. i had those awesome colored plastic tubes to store them and a tubeful of slammers and all the fun stuff. and get this: i even had a POGmaker. yeah. i could make any POG i wanted.

i could so beat you.